Jordan Valley, Israel
1. Introduction
Introduction to subtropical crops in Israel (Lecture in College)
Jordan valley history as a National agriculture success (Lecture in College)
Vista point
Water Treatment Company
2. Irrigation Methods
Banana plantation
Mango orchard
Avocado orchard
Amiad (Arkal) filter systems
Meteorological station
Soil and plant sensors
3. Fertilizers
Fertilizer factory
Mango fertilization growth method
Banana growth in substrate
Soil and leaf analysis laboratory
4. Harvesting and Postharvest
Avocado and mango packinghouse
Banana packinghouse
Harvesting in field (Banana, Mango & Avocado)
5. Orchard and Plantation Management
Banana net house structure
Machinery – pruning, spraying, harvesting
Plant control – Pest, disease and weeds
Plant hormones
Banana desuckering
6. Plant propagation
Banana tissue culture
Avocado nursery
Mango nursery
Banana variety collection
Mango variety collection
7. Course Summary (Lecture in College)