"Agriculture Training" is a unique "Learning by doing" program operated by SAHLAV in collaboration with academic institutes around the world and gained approval and support governmental authorities in Israel.
Conducting research in relation to an important aspect in the practical workplace is one of the major goals of the program. Academic learning alongside advancement in developing intensive agriculture.
The main goals of the program are:
- Integrate the students into a unique vocational program of instruction and practical mentoring, based on the importing of knowledge and expertise, by combining studies and hands-on work.
- Provide the students with advanced agricultural knowledge and practical training, in order to prepare them for the agricultural, technological and financial challenges in his origin country.
The program has gained support, approval and encouragement from the ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the ministry for Foreign and the ministry for internal Affairs which grant the permits in Israel.
The study program is a ten to eleven month long in Israel, constitutes a full agricultural season.
The students work five days a week performing agricultural labor on the farms, every week lectures from KINNERET/ASHKELON college are participate a class in the farms and approximately one day a week for academic learning in classes.
The program includes 220 hours that includes academic learning, educational vocational tours,visiting advance companies and agricultural enterprises all over Israel and visits to tourist attractions.
The program is accompanied by an academic director, teachers and lecturers, staff members and agronomists which mentoring the students also in the farms.
Vegetables production
Plant protection
Aquaculture- fish ponds
Judaism, culture, history and geography of Israel
Plantations and orchards
Plant propagation
Irrigation and Agricultural meteorology
Precision agriculture
Poultry production
Organic agriculture